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Society of General and Theoretical Psychology
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Abstracts that are not covered by Topic Category List of the XXVII Congress of Psychology.

-1.0. To defend the subjectivity in terms of S. Freud. Freudism as a consequence from theoretical psychology

-1.1. Psychics and psychology since 2000 years

-4.0. Sensory and Motor Processes Metric

-5.0. Wave formula for the processes of the attention and perception

-5.0. Joining three-dimensional space and objective time

-5.6. Time perception

-11.6. The explanation for the Holliwood success in terms of theoretical psychology

-17.0. Personality in temporal aspect

-25.3. Stress. Learning stress as the consequence from the lack of knowlege about the subjective time.

-28.0. The fate of a psychologist

- 1.0. To defend the subjectivity in terms of S. Freud. Freudism as a consequence from theoretical psychology

Genious observation of Siegmundt Freud has fallen a victim to the cognitive requirement of the scientist. As a result we've gothydrodynamic transitions of the sexual energy between Id, Ego and Super Ego. Theoretical psychology assigns freudism a part of practical branch of science, particularly: the degree of the sexual reqirement satisfaction determines the criterion of the sexual attractivity of objects of the surruonding world and the subjective time flow in the sexual direction (or the degree of the sexual fussiness or the fus in the sexual direction).

- 1.1 Psychics and psychology since 2000 years

Let us glance behind and look at the third millenium. During this time Euclid's geometrical corset and shackles of objective physical time were foistened on subjective psychical conscious. Two lingering epidemies caused getting subjectivity loss syndromes. The main part of human life is reflected in deformed three-dimensional space with constant ticking of chronometers. However, nobody could tighten subjectivity into three-dimensional Decart's world and into physical time. Subjective world has got it's own coordinate system for orientation within itself and in the world. Human being can very successfully co-measure things, which seem to be not combined and can predict events without chrometers.

- 4.0. Sensory and Motor Processes Metric.

There is no constancy in psychics because of movement and changing of its processes. One segment of every sensory or motor process differs both from the previous and from the next. Every sensory or motor process proceeds because of a requirement. The qualities of this requirement determine sensory and motor processes metric. The metric of all these processes changes with the time and can be constant only as an exception on the minimum short observed segment of the process. The metric is determined with that relative moment, which is characterised with an actual requirement on one hand and with the distance between the requirement subject and the requirement on the other hand (in terms of both quantity and time).

- 5.0. Wave formula for the processes of the attention and perception

All processes of perception in every modality are characterized with the fact: for every at will chosen moment of subjective time, changing metric of perception field and the subjective time frequency are determinated with speed of moving of the correspondent actual requirement subject towards the requirement. Sharpening of ear and sight, hyper-sensibleness, change ofunits for measuring of remoteness, of the objective physical time evaluation, cange of units for weights measuring and - naturally - large area, where basis for measuring and evaluating of values changes and where picture of the world changes - all these facts are essencially the evidences of perception and attention field metric change in one of modalities.

- 5.0 Joining three-dimensional space and objective time

The result of such joining is the distortion of one's oen requirement field and of the subjective time flow. The field of the subjectloss requirement is eradiation from one moving point in all directions. At different poits of time it can look as imptinting of a duchling, insight of sultan and that of A. Einstein or as the enlightment of M. Nostradamus.

- 5.6 Time perception

One of the conclusions from the theoretical constructions of the author is: all attemptsof the experimental psychology to find a neutral temporal interval for time perception are futile and in advance condemned to failure.

- 11.6. The explanation for the Holliwwod success in terms of theoretical psychology

A particular example of theoretical psychology application in mass media communications is the explanatiom of how attention could be drawn through the voluntary joining to imaginary plot development. 1)Three main requirements are usually employed here, these requirements are situated in the area of times mostly close to the temporal boundaries of requirement. He is catching and killing him in a moment, a moment - and the main hero is dead, he's raping her just in a minute et cetera. 2)The requirements that are mostly employed have a big subject constituent and big values for the people. If there is money, then $10000000. If we need a safe variant, then we use sexual detail and self-preserving instinct. In terms of psychological theory: Ni (Ci;Ct), where N is e requirement that "caughts" spectator. When Ci tends to be maximal, then t also tends to be Ct. T here is the current time. So, Holliwood uses very specific areas of quasirequiremental continua.

- 17.0. Personality in temporal aspect

Every person has got its individual temporal structure. There are as many times as requirements. Every time is a vector and has the direction and the magnitude. The direction is that to the requirement subject. The magnitude is usually expressed (exactly or aproximantly) in terms of the objective time units. One of the individual features of every person is its subjective time structure, which belongs only to this person.

- 23.5. Stress. Learning stress as the consequence from the lack of knowlege about the subjective time.

How can we learn stress and how can we avoid that? The aid of psychologists is in the correction of the subjective time flow be means of psychical regulation, it is also in teaching the patients the methods of self-correction of the subjective time flow.It is in getting rid of fussiness, running about, feverishness and of useless haste.

- 28.0. The fate of a psychologist.

The fate of the scientist who had chosen psycholory as his discipline is sad. Nobody knows how great was amount of materials, which had got stuck in the quag of the scientific facts abundance, in the wild wood of the psychical phenomena, and they had never got the height of the truth! Psychologist is to sink in his scientific theme. Nobody can swim out of the deep. Somebody manages not to sink, but fight in the deep like a submarine. In such case we can see a kind of the picture of the psychical world (in terms of a branch of psychology) and one writes the next theory. Nodody can measure the depth of the psychical phenomena. The value that was given by genious A. Einstein and that reads: to realize what atom is is a children's game in comparison with that what children's game is - this value seems to be understated when we speak about the complicity of the psychological science subject. Bottomlessness, endlessmess of the psychics, of the psychical Universum, which also contains physical one (Berkeley 1865 -1753)- that expects a psychologist in the psychical space.