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How the Blessed Augustini spoke out about the time?
S. Aurelii Augustini. Confessiones, L.XI. C.XXIII. ?

With your permission, allow me to prelude perspicacious opinion undying the Blessed Aurelii Augustini my briefly cue from ordinary mortal A.P.

Living many years of little successful scientific attempts to get to the secret of the time already can to serve as evidence of absence behind that concept a suspected rich depth. Depth of time is not like a depth structure of acid DNA, gene, atom, nucleus and such like objects. (Pay attention! We are getting from conceptual level encoding of information on images level of thinking). Perhaps, time in all its displays no more than expedient auxiliary adaptable flexible inconstant instrument for orientation people in universe, mere crutch. But a crutch is been destined to facilitate human life and cannot be mysterious essence.

S. Aurelii Augustini. Confessiones, L.XI. C.XXIII. ,,Audivi a quondam homino docto, quod solis et lunae ac siderum motus ipsa sint tempora, et nil annui. Cur enim non potius omnium corporum motus sint tempora? An vero si cessarent coeli lumina, et moveretur rota figuli, non esset tempus, quo meritemur eos gyros, et diceremus, aut aequalibus morulis agi, aut si alios tardius, alios velocius moveretur alios magis diturnos esse, alios minus?…Sunt et sidera et luminaria coeli in signis et in temporibus et in annis et in diebus. Sunt vero; sed nec ego dixerim circuitum illius ligneonale rotae diem esse; nec tamen ideo tempus non esse, ille dirext…Nemo ergo mihi dicat coelestium corporum motus esse tempora, quia et cuiusdam voto cum sol stetisset, ut victoriosum proelium perageret, sol stabat, sed tempus ibat.''

There is not word-for-word translation. " Why, indeed, the movements of different bodies cannot to be a time too? If only, really, all heavenly bodies were been stopped, but any potter's wheel was continuing to rotary motion, except that time will not exist, by means which we begin to measuring a turns of the potter's wheel? We should say what turns are going in equal or alike intervals. Or ones turns are lasting longer, others are lasting smaller. I should not begin a dispute what turn of potter's wheel is not time. Let don't say me what the time is heavenly bodice's movement. When, by prayer, the sun was been stopped in order to man can gain a victory, than sun was been stopping but the time was been going''.