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Commemorating the 200th anniversary of Gustav Theodor Fechner

Gustav Theodor Fechner is one the world’s scientists whose investigations set the base for contemporary experimental psychology. The main scientific discovery made by G.T.Fechner is the deducing and formulating the law which is now known as the law of Weber-Fechner. It is the basis for psycho-physiological studies. Let put it down here in the following way:

1) dR/R=k,

2) S=klg(I/Io),

3) S=klgI.

This law is valid in all experimental situations except extrema. It is true for average rate of intensities. Extrema are beyond this classical formulation and should be explained (as it is accepted in serious science) in a broader invariant model. Such model exists. But as 2001 is the year of 200th anniversary of G.T.Fechner we are rending him his due with admiration. At the dawn of scientific psychology he performed brilliantly that it could and should be a scientific branch. One is compelled to note today that a great part of concepts in contemporary psychology is vague. It is a frequent case in psychology when instead of scientific concepts the words contain not strict scientific meanings but the meanings which are common in such spheres like ethics, aesthetics, art, philosophy, pedagogy and other. G.T.Fechner was a physicist in other words a representative of a serious scientific branch. He couldn’t venture idle talk and pseudo-scientific saying. His theoretical principles and experimental works were the model of scientific approach to the subject of scientific research. He clearly showed that one could and should consider psychic processes scientifically. While recalling G.T.Fechner there are generated the thoughts of efficiency and effectiveness, scientific strictnessand seriousness in one’s memory. On estimating the contribution of physicist G.T.Fechner in psychology and on comparing the serious scientific achievements of his own with the progress of the whole after-Fechner-psychology the only thing is to announce today Fechner’s appeal to physicists to engage in psychology.

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