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The instant of existence.

The elucidation to diagram. The centre of arrows is a instant of human existence. The horisontal arrow is the scale of conventional physical time. The other arrows are directions of subjective times. Subjective times differ in the directions and velocity of different courses. A direction in the object of wish. Streams more rapid or more slow.

The scale of conventional physical time

There is a movement in variety temporal directions. An instant of movement is in different by measured directions. The movement along the horizontal scale is motion physical objects including human body. Everything else inclusive movement lengthways scale of conventional physical time to give an object for theoretical and experimental psychology.

This figure represents a moment of existence. An instant is one from central categories in existential philosophy and existential psychology. The great mathematician David Hilbert had written what figures are painted formulas. In this way, this figure can be used for research mathematical expression. A direction of arrow shows a rush or a trend of need; passion, wish. Each direction has one's own scale for time and one's own scale for significances. The projection towards scale of objective time gives the information in objective units of time-seconds, hours or years. The projection on scale of significances reflects subjective meaning in objective significances. In new instant exist new picture. On this figure is not been reflected this qualities of connection like the tension and value of strain. They are different along the diverse directions. A wish can be strong or weak. Each connection has one's own value of tension.

Objective thinking likes scientific or like worldwide historical is going lengthways detached by horizontal scale of objective time. Objective thought absolutely is been not preoccupied about thinking subject. Passions and strivings are directed on another directions. The existing possesses a vectorial nature, purposefulness and tendentious striving. This figure can be used as a prototype of new coordinate system. Such system in contradistinction to Euclidian system has not spatial coordinates. But it has one coordinate of objective time and some regenerating variable coordinates for subjective times.