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Society of General and Theoretical Psychology
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0.1 Postulates of the theoretical psychology

Preamble to the postulates. The demarcation between the areas of the natural sciences in the nature cognition.
The modern physical theory of space and time (a special relativity theory) is a part of the physical world picture. This special theory is often called the theory of the relativity and special phenomena it describes are often called the relativity effects. As a rule, the relativity effects can be observed by the movement speed, which is close to the light speed in the vacuum (c = 300000000 m/s)
In the special relativity theory like in the classical physical world picture is supposed (only supposed) that the time is homogeneous and the space is homogeneous and isotropy.
The physical world picture is a derivative from the psychical world picture, at least because of the fact that is corresponds the human cognitive requirement.
All the world pictures (physical, informative and other ones) are from the psychical office.
The human requirement of the world cognition and of the cognition of a human being in the world has found its subject in the physical world picture.
Let this science research homogeneous times, isotropy times, homogenous spaces and isotropy spaces.
Contradicting of the Special Relativity Theory (SRT) to the classical ideas about the space and time qualities are not beyond some preconditions. These preconditions seem to "go without saying". It's quite possible that the natural sciences will have to get rid of these preconditions, to go back from them up to the Newton position and even further, to the pre-Newton ideas about the so called time.
The things, which were "going without saying" before Newton and by Newton can be doubtful. Every person is his (or her) own coordinate system. There more than 6 000000000 such coordinate systems on the Earth and in every coordinate system the "time" flows its own way. It doesn't however mean that we shouldn't look for some laws in these coordinate systems. We should. They do exist.
So, there are 6 000000000 non-inertial coordinate systems before the natural sciences, and their movements don't depend on each other. That doesn't exclude the possibility that once a group of such coordinate systems will move like a single group (for instance, the effect of crowd, the effect of the human beings herd unification around the leader etc) The distinction of the natural sciences areas is marked with the lines of the demarcation between homogeneity and heterogeneity of the times, of homogeneity-heterogeneity of the spaces, between the isotropy and non-isotropy times and isotropy and non-isotropy spaces.
The area of the homogeneous time is occupied by physical and other sciences, the area of non-homogeneous times is for psychological science. Homogeneity of the time as a quality of the time can be observed in the fact that the laws of the movement don't depend on the choice of the coordinate system beginning. In the consciousness and in the psychics the beginning of the coordinate system has its meaning for the short human life. This meaning we'll explain and describe further.
The laws of the movement, which don't depend on the coordinate system beginning position choice in any coordinate system, correspond to the area of the homogeneous space. That is the area where the parallel transition doesn't change anything and so it is allowed. New laws of the movement for non-homogeneous values and times spaces are waiting for their discovering.
The question about the possibilities of the parallel transition of the vectors for the psychical spaces stays also unanswered.
The area of the isotropy space stays in correspondence with laws of the movement that don't depend on the direction of the coordinate axes in the inertial coordinate system. The area of the non-isotropy space is that of the times and values space. How often we can see the direction change in the coordinate system of one person. We remember you that there are more then 6 000000000 such non-inertial, hetero-directional coordinate systems.
So the distinction between the areas of the natural sciences is made. The supposition, which is worth trusting, is that the laws of the psychical nature have their invariant for all 6 000000000 coordinate systems.
The time is not homogeneous. This definition includes as one of the possibilities a particular statement about the homogeneity of the times. On the basis of the latter statement (among the other ones) Albert Einstein had built his triumphal and successful relativity theory, which is true for a narrow area of the physical world picture (an application of the human spirit) - for the physics of near-light speeds.
Psychology considers not the applications, but the human spirit itself. In the area of the human spirit the homogeneity of times is more likely to be an exclusion than a rule. In the area of physical and other sciences it is the rule for the regulating of the knowledge about the time, is putting to the time homogenity and building on the basis of this supposition some very productive theories.
The postulates of the relativity theory of Albert Einstein are based on the preconditions of the time homogeneity, space homogeneity and on the precondition that the space is isotropy, while the postulates made by are based on the non-homogeneity of time, non-homogeneity of space and on the preconditions that the spaces are not isotropy.
Non-homogeneity is a wider precondition than the homogeneity and it includes as its particular case (or as one possibility) time homogeneity. The quality of being non-isotropy is a wider precondition and includes as a particular case the fact that the spaces are isotropy.
Postulates introduction

1. Every moment of the human life is a bundle of the subjective times.
That is the most general formulation. In other words: All coordinate systems in the world are non-inertial. All coordinate systems are not equal. That doesn't mean however their falseness.
In other words: the laws of the psychical nature are invariant in their relation to the transition from one non-inertial system to another one. Here the non-inertial coordinate system is the man.
In another formulation this postulate sounds like that (the principle of relativity): no experiments done in one non-inertial coordinate system (which is one concrete individual, there are more than 6 000 000 000 such coordinate systems) don't allow to make conclusions about the invariety of the subjective truth which are present. Psychological truth is the subjective truth of an individuum.

2. The necessary and sufficient condition of the psychical reflection and world creation is the presence of at least one requirement.
The necessity of a standard procedure to prove the fullness of these postulates. - mutual independence, that mean that one postulate can not be deduced from another; - non-contradictiveness; - sufficientness;
I invite you to consider these postulates critically, to accept or to turn them down or to propose some new postulates.
Another formulation of the second postulate: The speed of the human reflection (that is the light speed, the speed of the lighting of the psychical space, inside sight of lighting) doesn't depend on the speed of the requirement subject moving towards the requirement. There no reasons for negating the fact that it can be infinite. The infinite speed of the inside sight to the requirement subject and to the requirement can be explain with the fact that a human being wants to get everything and at once. There is naturally a difference: what does he (or she) wants at once and if he (or she) is able to get it at once.
Wishes are closely connected with "now". "Want" = "Now". There is no postponed "want" . In a few words the second postulate sounds like that: "I want" (or a human being wants).
So, there are no contradictions with the first postulate. The wish and the present moment are not contradictory. One can want only in the present moment. Wanting in memory is a senseless expression, is the memory. Wanting in the future is wanting now. Here we can also hint indirectly that there is no future. It is just a supposition, it is only the present moment that really exists. The moment as it has been already said is a bundle of the subjective times.
An additional comment to the second postulate: We must note that the other conditions for it are equal (the presence of the healthy brain and body, which are functioning normally, these are the objects of the neuropsychological sciences, where we can see a large field for researching).

(C)Copyright A. Pestov, February, 2000.