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Society of General and Theoretical Psychology
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Proposals for theoretical psychologists.?

Papper for simposia 1:

Theme: The necessity of the theoretical psychology.

The review of the psychology provides a large picture of various empiric facts descriptions, observations and self-observations.

The variety of the experimental materials, the mountains of knowledge about the definite parts of the psychical reality, which are surrounded with the sees of statistic calculations and methods of description.

Great number of institutes, centres, laboratories, societies and separate scientists study successfully the various aspects of the psychics in all its possible realizations.

Psychologists, unified by a lot of schools, scientific branches, programs are good and productive in their descriptions of different and countless aspects of the psychical phenomena and they often find by that once more that this is only one new shade of a well-known banality in the psychical reality.

Great number of productive theories, which cover the Psychical from different sides, is the evidence of the modern psychological science successes. Thorough consideration with deep penetration into the wild woods of any a little bit complicated problem with many variables, provides new knowledge and leads the mankind to the new level of self-understanding.

The number of such theories increases and it will increase because the Universum of the psychical is borderless. And there will always be unresearched areas and will appear the necessity of new theories for their adequate description and explanation. However, the psychological theories that exist now (their number has reached 50 and continue increasing) are born nearly every year.

Every theory taken separately can be called the relativity theory, because they can be considered as made in terms of generalization of the personal answer of their creator and their life in the psychology, as generalization of the personal individual intercourse with the psychological reality in the limited area of a piece, which is cut from the subject of psychology. It is well-known "anatomical pathology" approach: to cut a piece (as from a dish during a dinner) of the psychological reality and then to begin its consideration, to find some relative wide regularities in a very romantic way of generalization over the whole psychics and to call it as a theory.

There are more than 50 such theories. At the same time, the psychology needs laws which transpierce cover all possible connections in the psychical phenomena, in the very general laws for a wide circle of phenomena, in the laws that take place always and everywhere, whatever happens in the psychological reality.

Conclusions: The necessity of the theoretical psychology

Psychology is one of the most compex (and so one of the most interesting) branches of the human cognition. Its complicity can be underestimated. Let me recall you about E.Kant, who stated that in every separate natural science there is as much of real science as of mathematics. Psychology can aim at mathematical description of its subject. At the same time: "Should we ever gather the facts of any more or less vast area of knowledge together, we could notice at once that these facts can be ordered. Such ordering we can reach each time with the help of a kind of notions frame, which is raised so that each concrete object of this knowledge area would correspond a notion from this frame, and every fact from this knowledge area would correspond a logical connection between the notions. Such notions frame is nothing else but theory of this knowledge area." (D.Hilbert). When we observe the psychology as a branch of human cognition we have to state the ripe necessity of the theoretical psychology.

Papper for simposia 2:

Theme: Postulates for Theoretical Psychology

1. Every moment of human life is a bundle(pencil of rays) of subjective times.

2. The necessary and sufficient condition of the psychical reflection and the world creation is the existance of at least one requirement.

Preamble to the postulates. The demarcation between the areas of the natural sciences in the nature cognition.

The modern physical theory of space and time (a special relativity theory) is a part of the physical world picture. This special theory is often called the theory of the relativity and special phenomena it describes are often called the relativity effects. As a rule, the relativity effects can be observed by the movement speed, which is close to the light speed in the vacuum (c = 300000000 m/s)

In the special relativity theory like in the classical physical world picture is supposed (only supposed) that the time is homogeneous and the space is homogeneous and isotropy.

The physical world picture is a derivative from the psychical world picture, at least because of the fact that is corresponds the human cognitive requirement. All the world pictures (physical, informative and other ones) are from the psychical office.

The human requirement of the world cognition and of the cognition of a human being in the world has found its subject in the physical world picture.

Let this science research homogeneous times, isotropy times, homogenous spaces and isotropy spaces.

Contradicting of the Special Relativity Theory (SRT) to the classical ideas about the space and time qualities are not beyond some preconditions. These preconditions seem to "go without saying". It's quite possible that the natural sciences will have to get rid of these preconditions, to go back from them up to the Newton position and even further, to the pre-Newton ideas about the so called time.

The things, which were "going without saying" before Newton and by Newton can be doubtful. Every person is his (or her) own coordinate system. There more than 6 000000000 such coordinate systems on the Earth and in every coordinate system the "time" flows its own way. It doesn't however mean that we shouldn't look for some laws in these coordinate systems. We should. They do exist. So, there are 6 000000000 non-inertial coordinate systems before the natural sciences, and their movements don't depend on each other. That doesn't exclude the possibility that once a group of such coordinate systems will move like a single group (for instance, the effect of crowd, the effect of the human beings herd unification around the leader etc) The distinction of the natural sciences areas is marked with the lines of the demarcation between homogeneity and heterogeneity of the times, of homogeneity-heterogeneity of the spaces, between the isotropy and non-isotropy times and isotropy and non-isotropy spaces.

The area of the homogeneous time is occupied by physical and other sciences, the area of non-homogeneous times is for psychological science. Homogeneity of the time as a quality of the time can be observed in the fact that the laws of the movement don't depend on the choice of the coordinate system beginning. In the consciousness and in the psychics the beginning of the coordinate system has its meaning for the short human life. This meaning we'll explain and describe further.

The laws of the movement, which don't depend on the coordinate system beginning position choice in any coordinate system, correspond to the area of the homogeneous space. That is the area where the parallel transition doesn't change anything and so it is allowed. New laws of the movement for non-homogeneous values and times spaces are waiting for their discovering. The question about the possibilities of the parallel transition of the vectors for the psychical spaces stays also unanswered.

The area of the isotropy space stays in correspondence with laws of the movement that don't depend on the direction of the coordinate axes in the inertial coordinate system. The area of the non-isotropy space is that of the times and values space. How often we can see the direction change in the coordinate system of one person. We remember you that there are more then 6 000000000 such non-inertial, hetero-directional coordinate systems.

So the distinction between the areas of the natural sciences is made. The supposition, which is worth trusting, is that the laws of the psychical nature have their invariant for all 6 000000000 coordinate systems. The time is not homogeneous. This definition includes as one of the possibilities a particular statement about the homogeneity of the times. On the basis of the latter statement (among the other ones) Albert Einstein had built his triumphal and successful relativity theory, which is true for a narrow area of the physical world picture (an application of the human spirit) - for the physics of near-light speeds.

Psychology considers not the applications, but the human spirit itself. In the area of the human spirit the homogeneity of times is more likely to be an exclusion than a rule. In the area of physical and other sciences it is the rule for the regulating of the knowledge about the time, is putting to the time homogenity and building on the basis of this supposition some very productive theories.

The postulates of the relativity theory of Albert Einstein are based on the preconditions of the time homogeneity, space homogeneity and on the precondition that the space is isotropy, while the postulates made by are based on the non-homogeneity of time, non-homogeneity of space and on the preconditions that the spaces are not isotropy.

Non-homogeneity is a wider precondition than the homogeneity and it includes as its particular case (or as one possibility) time homogeneity. The quality of being non-isotropy is a wider precondition and includes as a particular case the fact that the spaces are isotropy.

Postulates introduction

1. Every moment of the human life is a bundle of the subjective times.


hat is the most general formulation. In other words: All coordinate systems in the world are non-inertial. All coordinate systems are not equal. That doesn't mean however their falseness.

In other words: the laws of the psychical nature are invariant in their relation to the transition from one non-inertial system to another one. Here the non-inertial coordinate system is the man.

In another formulation this postulate sounds like that (the principle of relativity): no experiments done in one non-inertial coordinate system (which is one concrete individual, there are more than 6 000 000 000 such coordinate systems) don't allow to make conclusions about the invariety of the subjective truth which are present. Psychological truth is the subjective truth of an individuum.

2. The necessary and sufficient condition of the psychical reflection and world creation is the presence of at least one requirement.

The necessity of a standard procedure to prove the fullness of these postulates. - mutual independence, that mean that one postulate can not be deduced from another; - non-contradictiveness; - sufficientness; I invite you to consider these postulates critically, to accept or to turn them down or to propose some new postulates.

Another formulation of the second postulate: The speed of the human reflection (that is the light speed, the speed of the lighting of the psychical space, inside sight of lighting) doesn't depend on the speed of the requirement subject moving towards the requirement. There no reasons for negating the fact that it can be infinite. The infinite speed of the inside sight to the requirement subject and to the requirement can be explain with the fact that a human being wants to get everything and at once. There is naturally a difference: what does he (or she) wants at once and if he (or she) is able to get it at once.

Wishes are closely connected with "now". "Want" = "Now". There is no postponed "want" . In a few words the second postulate sounds like that: "I want" (or a human being wants).

So, there are no contradictions with the first postulate. The wish and the present moment are not contradictory. One can want only in the present moment. Wanting in memory is a senseless expression, is the memory. Wanting in the future is wanting now. Here we can also hint indirectly that there is no future. It is just a supposition, it is only the present moment that really exists. The moment as it has been already said is a bundle of the subjective times.

An additional comment to the second postulate: We must note that the other conditions for it are equal (the presence of the healthy brain and body, which are functioning normally, these are the objects of the neuropsychological sciences, where we can see a large field for researching).

3. Papper for simposia 3: Theme:

0.2 The position of the physical time in the psychological world picture

Physical time plays a very important part of argument in the functions, which describe the physical world. The relativity of time intervals is doubtless. The well-known Michaelson - Morly experiment gave reasons to A. Einstein to make a conclusion that there is no world ether and the absoluteness of time was rejected.

A. Einstein was made to offer the postulates to justify his "silent" preconditions about time and space homogenity and the precondition that time and space are isotropy. On the base of these postulates the silent precondition was proved also for the neglected corner of the psychical Universe, which is the psychical world picture.

The physical world picture became triumphal successful and famous. The time and the space in this picture are complements for each other in a narrow area of the near-light speeds, i.e. in the narrow area of their relations, literally - of the relation of the time to the space, which can be compared with the light speed.

The affirmativety of this way of the physical world description is doubtless, but the instrument of description is from the psychical office and is a product of the psychical world picture development and it meets one of the human requirements, i.e. that of the cognition.

A. Einstein was lead with the principles of the seek for harmony in the nature and he had found this harmony for the movement of the physical objects in the near-light areas of the movement. The physical time is one of the times, which corresponds the human requirement of the orientation in the physical space. What time do we speak about: 2000, 2000, 2000?

That is astronomic time. Astronomic clock have counted 2000 readings, nothing more.

The time here is the movement of the planets. What is the human time after accepting the fact that we have agreed to express it with the help of the planets movement, with the help of the movements of the clock hands, Cesius-133 atoms oscillation etc? What is the time?

All the ways for time expression are human definitions and conditionality. There is no time without a human being, there is only eternal movement. These are the orientation, understanding and describing of the physical movement (changing) that need the notion of time, that's why this notion was introduced.

Besides, time may be felt or be presented in the image or as a conception of the objective time. When a human being loses his life, he kills all the times. If the mankind disappears - the time will also disappear, the rest will be the movement (changing) and there will nobody to introduce the notion of time and to describe the physical movement by creating it for the description of the concept of speed, light speed, physical time, three-dimensional space, space dietortion and for the acceleration-deceleration of the physical time by the movements, which can be compared with the light speed. All the times will disappear with the human life flow. The life flow gives reasons for the time flow. The life runs in the time flow that splits into the times bunch to the vital requirements from the requirements subjects. Or vice versa: from the requirements to the requirement subjects, which is frankly speaking the same movement, but with the different marks up to the coordinate system beginning for the description. When we take the coordinate system beginning and the direction to the requirement subject, we can determine any movement of the requirement subject as approaching. In this case we define movements as "plus", then the opposite movement (call it estrangement) will have the "minus" sign. Here we open the opportunity of operating with vectors and using vector methods for the description.

After the physical science have brought the time to one coordinate from of four-dimensional world, a little is left to do. We can doubt the existence of what we call the objective time, we leave it as a way, an tool, mean for the reconstruction of imagined past and future (created by a human being) and for the orientation in the surrounding world changing. The description with the help of the objective time words doesn't prove the objective world existence. We can describe the planets movement with the help of a tool, which takes 1/86400 part of a day (the movement of the Earth), the movement of one of the planets as its base. That is description of one heavenly body through its relation to another one with the help of a conditionality, which is one second. One movement is expressed through another one. Where is the objective time here? There is no objective time. There is a human conditionality for the design of the movements relativity. An auxiliary description tool can not be a reason for the objective object (which is noted by this concept) existence proving.

The most general time definition can be, where time is a useful instrumental method, a method of the reflection of the orientation between the present moment and imagined future. That is the future situation of some subjects, objects, things. There is only the present moment that consists from the imagined objects state to the future or to the past.

The human relations with the world in terms of the physical concept includes also the temporal orientation in the physical world. This orientation in the time is very relative and conditional.

The concept of time is certainly a very useful concept, a very productive in terms of the human world cognition. However, it often happens in the human cognition and psychics that there is no physical correlation between the concept and the physical world, it has no material embodiment or a subject. There is no material substance behind the concept of time. All the definitions of the time can be brought to the description of movement and to the way of this movement observing.

Eternal nature doesn't need time. Temporal human being needs a way of orientation in his movements and in the movements of the world that surrounds him. Psychical reflection of the reality happens on the different levels and in different forms.

Let's use as a demonstration the distinction between these forms and levels after the book by Lev. Itelson "Lectures on General Psychology". Part two.

Reflectional processes. Forms and levels of the psychical reality reflection. Structures and stages of the cognition activity. Lectures 13 - 25.

# Lecture

What is known about the temporal side


Lecture XIII.

Sensations. Sensor reflection. Signals and information.

Analyzers. Sensations types and properties. Sensations

functions and mechanisms.

Phase wave as temporal changing of space distribution of potentials

Information given by the afferent nerve to the

primary sensor field is coded with the form of phase wave in the state space on the output of afferent axons.

Lecture XIV.

Emotions. Sensor reflection. Signals meaning and

evaluation. Emotions types and properties.

Emotions functions and mechanisms.



Lecture XV.

Perceptions. Image-bearing reflection. Objects

structure and sensor signals organization.

Perceptional image. Its features. Sensor standards.

Perceptional categories, attributes and models.

Functions of perception.

All knowledge about the TIME is limited by Paragraph 5.6 Topic Category List XXVII Psychology Congress.
5.0 Attention and Perception
5.1 Attention and detection
5.2 Visual perception
5.3 Auditory perception and music perception
5.4 Other modality perception
5.5 Space perception
5.6 Time perception
5.7 Aesthetics

Phenomenology of an object

Lecture XVI.

Perceptional activity. Perception processes structure

and mechanisms. Correction. Complementation.

Filtration. Recognizing and subject values.

Investigating and probability evaluations.

Perceptional image forming.



Lecture XVII.

Subject-active thinking.

Information processing on the stage of perceptions.

Sensor-motor intellect. Its structures and development.



Lecture XVIII.

Representation. Second stage of the image reflection.

Ideas types. Ideas structure and properties.

Ideas essence and functions. Sense and semiotic

relations. Imitation and sensual modeling.

Ideas forming.



Lecture XIX.

Figurative thinking. Information processing on

the stage of ideas. Ideas transformations.

Associations. Ideal experimenting. Figurative

thinking structure and operations. Figurative

thinking functions. Imagination.



Lecture XX.

Word, language and speech. Sign reflection. Meaning structure. Paradigmatic and

linguistic meanings. Semantic types and fields.

Verbal meaning genesis. Language and speech activity




Lecture XXI.

Empiric meanings and sense. Categorization, classifying of reality and bringing it to a system. Empiric meanings forming process.



Lecture XXII.

Empiric thinking. Information processing on the stage of empiric meanings. Discovering and using of relations. Tasks solving. Empiric thinking operations and structures. Common sense.



Lecture XXIII.

Concepts and terms. Conceptual reflection. Understanding

and idealizing. Concepts forming. Concept relations.

Judgments. Laws. Systems. Logic relations.

Notion of physical time

Notion of Objective Time

Lecture XXIV.

Theoretical thinking. Information processing on the

stage of concepts. Explanation. Model. Theory.

Theoretical thinking operations and structures.




Lecture XXV.

Formal thinking. Structural reflection. Variables.

Operators. Forms. Structures.

Intuition and creative thinking. Main cognition stages synthesis. Dynamic models. Mad ideas.



On the different levels of human reflection of world and self-reflection a person reflects his temporal attitude to his requirement subjects world in his own way. One of the particular cases corresponding to one of the psychical reflection levels is the physical time concept - a narrow stripe from the spectrum in the human psychical world picture

Papper for simposia 4:

Theme: Draft for the Universal Psychology Law

The author modestly offers the mathematical model of mental reflection, based on the fact that the man is a time being and has a number of needs each of them lying in 2 demensions: time and objective. The suggested model is one of a multitude of possible models aiming at mathematical description of the boundless universe of human mind. That's one of such mathematical laws: the movement of the object of the need in regard to this need determines the frequency of the subjective time in human mind:


The formulation of the law

h / k = L / (1 - k) (L is lambda)

For any moment of the objective time k the ratio h / k (the ratio of the h - the requirement subject obtaining coefficient to the coefficient of the past time k) determines the semantic space metric on the one hand, and the subjective time frequency on the other hand. In other words, the speed of requirement subject moving in the subjective time determines the semantic space metric and the cours of the subjective time.

As the particular case of the semantic space metric change we can consider that of the units of the physical time? and also the change of the units for sounds frequency measurment,the change of the units of the lighting and the change of the other units for the measurment of the other irritants. We can also consider such quantities as dR / R in the well-known classical law of Weber E. H. - Fechner G. T. ) in the exterme areas. How fast (or slowky) does the subjective time run? This is determined with the ratio h / k.

Only as an example, as a physical realization of the psychical wealth we can consider the physical movement of the requirementor quasirequirement subject. More concrete: a person has got a quasirequirement of getting from on place to another by train in accordance with the schedule and it is known beforehand, how long will it take. The train has left in time and it runs in accordance with the schedule. h / k = constanta. L is the distance between two conditional points of the physical space (the physical here is a particular case of the semantic) and it is the same. The frequence of the physical time (and the physical time here is a particular case of the subjective time) is the same with the frequency of the subjective time.

1 Hz of the physical time here is one oscillation in one subjective second of the subjective time.

The indisputable authority, the law of Weber E.H.- Fechner G.T. dR / R = constanta is preserved in the ratio h / k = L / (1 - k).

That means that the latter ratio corresponds the well-knwon scientific principle and a new regularity has got its right to exist ih the science.

The book postulates the connection between the classical information theory by Shennan and the psychological theory of reflection as between the different branches of scientific investigation of mind. The author introduces some new concepts such as the fullness of mental reflection, the energy of reflection, etc. One of the postulates of the theory proclaims the inevitable change of the energy of mental reflection with the course of time. The phenomenal aspect of such changes is known as, for example, the sublimation in the works by Z.Freid, as the adequate activity in the works by A. Leontiev, etc. The author also offers a new andestanding of the need as a need of something towards the certain moment of time.

Papper for simposia 5:

Theme: Psychology of Subjective Time

The plan of report >

  1. Psychological time of I.S. Newton.
  2. Psychological time of the creators of relativity theory.
  3. Time at the end of 2000. Objective time does not exist.
  4. The reality of existing subjective time.
  5. Further development in the spiral of knowledge.

Psychological time of I.S. Newton

The psychological view on the world of Isaac Newton included as its own part a physical view on the world. It is expounded in «Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica» in 1687. This is how Newton defines time: «Absolute, apparent mathematical time,, by itself and by its own essence , without any relation to anything external, runs uniformly and is differently called duration». Time exists by itself and doesn’t owe whatever in the world its existence. All natural bodies and all physical phenomena submit to its course, but all these bodies and phenomena do not influence somehow on the course of time. All moments of time are equal and identical: time is uniform. The course of time is the same everywhere in the world. It is the same and equally uniform in the past, present and future. Time spreads unlimitedly forward from the present to the future. Time is one-measured: to set a moment of time it is necessary to name one date. Spaces of time are measured off, summed up and subtracted as segments in a straight Evklid’s line. Such is absolute time of classical mechanics.

    Psychological time of I.S. Newton

  1. The psychological view on the world of Isaac Newton included as its own part a physical view on the world. It is expounded in «Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica» in 1687. This is how Newton defines time: «Absolute, apparent mathematical time,, by itself and by its own essence , without any relation to anything external, runs uniformly and is differently called duration». Time exists by itself and doesn’t owe whatever in the world its existence. All natural bodies and all physical phenomena submit to its course, but all these bodies and phenomena do not influence somehow on the course of time. All moments of time are equal and identical: time is uniform. The course of time is the same everywhere in the world. It is the same and equally uniform in the past, present and future. Time spreads unlimitedly forward from the present to the future. Time is one-measured: to set a moment of time it is necessary to name one date. Spaces of time are measured off, summed up and subtracted as segments in a straight Evklid’s line. Such is absolute time of classical mechanics.
  2. Time in psychological view on the world of the creators of relativity theory
  3. The object of study in physics is movement. One of its two formal features – a spatial one – is divided into measured parts of different scales, and the second one – a temporal feature –is running in its romantic simplicity. Being pressed by facts the creators of relativity theory had to overthrow the concepts of space and time from a priori Olymp. Time lost its absoluteness and turned into a metric function.

  4. What does such historical logic in the development of human representations of time lead to? Going ahead we are giving the answer: objective time does not exist.
  5. Mistaken logic starts by assuming that physical time exists. There are even made efforts to find it. There is one constant question which human thought asks at all times: «What is it time?» Gradual consideration of scientific abracadabra answering on this question during 300 years brings us to the following conclusion. This main conclusion is in non-existence of so-called objective time in general and in connection with conventional concept of time.

    They may continue getting evidence that in their scientific conclusions they constantly come to nonsense, realizable or unrealizable, with subsequent laugh by realizing the next nonsense or with subsequent shocking nonplus in a scientific thought which is at a realizable deadlock. For this purpose it is necessary to ask once again the question what time is admitting at the same time that something in the physical world should correspond to the concept of time. It is possible to choose another way. If human thought in its search for an answer on the question always comes to nonsense that means that the starting prerequisite is wrong and it is the following: there is objective time behind the concept of time. «Time exists,» that is what from the Newton’s times the wrong prerequisite says affirming the existence of absolute time. Given to the humankind the possibility to explain what time is comes to a stop before emptiness. Being observed during late centuries the scientific quest had deepened into explanations about movement which were based on the concept of physical time, and it (the quest) was accompanied both by triumph and by disgrace of human thinking. The triumph is well-known. But the question on which so hopelessly absurdly the scientific thought answers is the question – «What is it time?»

    Another question which as it may seem is more lucky is the question of movement in projection to time. However one movement is compared with another one taken for a unity. One movement of a second-hand over a dial serves as the basis for explaining another movement. In other cases movements are compared in projection to one hour – one movement of a minute-hand over a dial. Movement is explained by another movement , one movement is seen and described through another one. There is no necessity at all in the concept of time. One could easily do without it. Thus objective time does not exist. The so-called concept of objective time may be turned into the concept of a change in space, a relative change in space, a change of one space in relation to another one in their changes, or relations of two changes in one space. In the most simple example about a clock as a device which supposedly measures objective time of the movements of a minute- and hour-hands in their relative (to one another) changes, these movements are used to make a conclusion about the course of objective time. However, the correlation of their movements is set beforehand in the clock’s construction and it is conventional by its nature, it is artificially placed there beforehand. Thus objective time does not exist, it exists as conventionality.

  6. There is one more very vast sphere of human cognition which investigates time as it is in the nature. This sphere of human cognition is psychology of a person; subjective time and its laws are its investigation subjects. And if time is a subjective substance then there are not less than six milliards of subjective times according to the number of the subjects who inhabit the Earth.
  7. Putting the concept of velocity in force was the important step in the study of movement and in cognition of the world. It is necessary to do something similar today, but not to compare the changes of space to a single time, i.e. to a one movement taken for a unity, but to compare subjective times themselves to new unities. It is inevitable to make new premises, new concepts. And such premises are already suggested : see, for example, the Postulates of theoretical psychology on

    Till now in the science of observed movements there was their bringing together to a single time – objective time and its unity – a second, and to the fact that a second is a standard. And new possibilities today are in bringing apart in the science the observed movements to different times. If till nowadays the velocities of movement were set through bringing together to a single unity of time, now, on the opposite, movements will be considered in different times from the side of these times. The necessity to give a new concept (and a magnitude if we’d like to stay within scientific bounds) is evident; this concept is quickness of change of subjective time. While the velocity of movement in generally accepted scientific understanding is the quickness of spatial change in relation to time which is a spatial change by its essence taken for a unity. The quickness of temporal change along different directions will be a consecutive step in scientific study after the postulates of theoretical psychology have been put in force. See According to one of the postulates a moment is a bundle of subjective times, a moment is a multitude of subjective times directed to the subjects of human needs. The quickness as velocity of time running in its own direction. And no wonder that one movement in different times and of different counting systems which is running in different directions of subjective times will be different. The current of subjective times will be the subject of further development of scientific thought in the spiral of knowledge.

Papper for poster 1:

Theme: Mobile coordinate system for the human psyche.

The necessity to introduct the mobile coordinate system in the area of psychical movement in order to describe the movement. To set the coordinate system into the current moment.